Accessibility is a critical factor that needs to be addressed for all educational events, both virtual and in-person. When planning workshops, conferences, or lectures, it’s important to remember that you’ll have a diverse audience participating. Proactive accommodations can be integrated into your plan to ensure that the information is accessible to audience members with a wide range of abilities. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) captioning is a vital tool for these events, making it easy to meet ADA compliance requirements.
What are CART Captioning Services?
Offering CART captioning services optimizes inclusivity and equal access for everyone in attendance. This technology-driven service provides real-time transcription, allowing spoken words to be viewed as text. Our real-time human captioners capture the dialogue during the event to display instant captions for participants to read on a screen or handheld device. Whether supporting individuals with hearing loss or non-native speakers, CART captioning significantly enhances the experience.
Enhancing Accessibility in Education
CART captioning is useful in a variety of settings, especially for educational events such as lectures, seminars, conferences, and graduations. The purpose is to ensure that students, guests, and participants who are Deaf or hard of hearing or have language processing challenges can fully engage in the activities. The good news is that CART captioning can be easily integrated into both virtual educational events and live gatherings.
Why CART: Benefits for Virtual and Live Graduations
Graduation ceremonies offer a unique opportunity to celebrate students’ accomplishments and share the joy with loved ones. CART captioning enhances accessibility for both virtual and live graduation ceremonies, ensuring an inclusive experience for students and their family members or guests with hearing difficulties.
HRI-CART can seamlessly integrate captioning with both virtual platforms and live event setups. Regardless of the location, there are ways to ensure that everyone can understand the presentation and participate in the event.
Technology to Improve Engagement and Inclusivity
Anyone with hearing loss will agree that large events and social gatherings can be challenging. CART captioning helps bridge the gap so that everyone can participate equally, using a clear, written display of the spoken content during the event. CART captioning is not only beneficial for people with hearing loss but also offers inclusivity benefits for others who might need accommodations, such as individuals with learning disabilities, processing disorders, or non-native speakers.
At HRI-CART, we offer specialized services to provide high-quality captioning for events of all sizes, including both virtual and live educational events like virtual graduations, live ceremonies, and other academic events. With years of experience, we deliver accurate and timely captions, enhancing and improving your presentation to the audience.
The benefits of CART captioning services are undeniable. This technology allows you to improve accessibility and optimize the experience for all participants. Not only is it crucial to prioritize inclusivity, but captioning is also a necessary feature for ADA compliance. If you are planning events for an educational organization, reach out to our team at HRI-CART to learn more about our available services. We have over 35 years of experience working with clients in a variety of industries. Our professional team is here to help with both onsite and remote assistance, including live CART captioning, post-production captioning, video remote interpreting, and more. Contact us today to discuss the possibilities for your upcoming event.